Thursday, March 11, 2010

Too Much To Do...

Oy! I had a ton of things to get done today, and not one of them had anything to do with writing. Grrrrr. Although now, since everything is done I can focus on the task at hand....hopefully.

Now that my mundane list is done, I need to work on the novel. I'm excited to write this next chapter- it is the beginning of conflict between the main characters and I know once I start writing it I won't be able to stop. It will be interesting to see what comes of this next scene. The main character is not used to being out of his comfort zone and he tends to take drastic measures in his effort to right the situation. to do list-
1. Write the next chapter without any interruptions (interruptions being my cats sitting on the laptop and my    Corgi, Ein, telling me its time to be fed and then it is time to play).
2. Break down and create a Twitter account even though I have been opposed to this idea for months, the goal is to at least add one writer, publisher, or agent as a friend day and follow their feed. Hoping to make a few more contacts this way.
3. Read the rest of Strunk and White's THE ELEMENT OF STYLE. (loving this 'little' book by the way)

Alright, enough blogging, there's work to be done. I have become fond of my little blog though. I choose to think of it as an e-diary. Then when I'm all rich and famous (wink) I can look back and reflect on my days of anonymity. : )

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog and wanted to say hello! I will definitely be back! Good luck with your current work in progress...I've been struggling with mine too! Finding the time to write is my biggest challenge!!!
