Friday, June 4, 2010

A Quick Update with a Side of Self Motivation

Good golly miss molly! It has been a hell of a couple months and I am MORE than happy to have something that resembles a life again.

The past two months solid my husband and I have been:
     1. Packing and organizing every little thing we have ever accumulated in our five years together
     2. Renovating our new, down-sized apartment (it's coming along...hopefully soon I will no longer have a bed
         in my living room. *fingers crossed* : P)
     3. TRYING to get back into a good writing routine. You see, I have fallen off the wagon and I'm trying to  get my leg back up so I can pull myself out of this rut. I have been re-reading my novel, going over my storyboard, going over my editing notes so that I can connect with my novel again. I want to have that endless stream of thought that begs to be written. I need the rush when the story clicks and the words pour out so fast  I have to make tiny, scribbled notes everywhere just to keep up.

As I write I keep reminding myself of what other writers have told me when they get like this. One of my favorites being that in order to write a novel, you have to be willing to write a first draft.
Just write it.
Who cares whether or not you think it's crap-you were able to get your thoughts on paper and now you have a jumping off point to make it perfect... It makes me feel better anyways. : )


  1. Amen Michelle! I am glad that things are returning to normal for you. Oh! BTW if it makes you feel any better, I feel like all of my first attempts are crap. That's why god invented second shots in golf and rewrites for the author!

  2. lol! Thank god indeed. Although its really difficult to write without editing at the same time. I've been forcing myself to just push forward instead of stopping and starting and it definitely has helped the plot of my novel.

    And it does make me feel better, always nice to know you're not the only one. haha
